Why Women Date Daddy's Double
According to new research, the stronger a woman's relationship is with her dad, the more likely she will marry someone who looks like him.The research states that the quality of a daughter's relationship with her dad has an impact on whom she finds attractive.
Is that true, ladies?
Give us guys some feedbacks here, cause we might want to consider plastic surgery to make us look like your dad...... :P
Labels: halifax
It makes more sense if women likely to choose guys who have their dad's characteristic, since dad always be the head of the family. Especially when you're really close with ur dad. You usually think of him as someone you can look after. But I don't it's true that women date/married someone who looks like their dad. Looks like their couple, is a maybe (soulmate tend to look alike). But looks like their dad? seriously? I think that is soooo father complex!
I am surprised that you know about this research.
I actually have some friends who want to date a guy who looks like their dad. However, I want to remind you that this research's finding doesn't apply to all girls.
p.s. Do you like someone at this time? If yes, you can check her family and you'll find the answer. Good luck!
wait.. you should introduce that girl to us because we want to meet her :P hahaha...
daddy's double?? stuju dongggg...coz our daddy is the best daddy in the wholeeee worlddddddddddddddd!!! :D:D
eh mond, do research lagi dong buat cowo ke mami...haihaiaha...ga ada kerjaan lo ya di canada, ampe research2 ginian..kakakakaka!
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